Joomla 5.x&4.4.xの新しいリリース
Bug fixes and Improvements with 5.1.1
- [5.1] Fix comment syntax in update SQL scripts "5.1.0-2024-02-24.sql" for adding TUF by @richard67 in #43306
- [5.1] DarkMode selector by @brianteeman in #43310
- [5.1] Light/Dark Mode switch by @brianteeman in #43454
- [5] correct forum link by @alikon in #43414
- [5.1] Correct message type for Redirect plugin state by @Fedik in #43402
- [5.1] Fix TinyMCE media button, frontend edit by @Fedik in #43376
- [5.1] Fix TinyMCE media button, insert link bug by @Fedik in #43374
- [5.1] EmptyState Help links by @brianteeman in #43371
- [5.1] PHP Deprecated: PDO::quote(): Passing null by @alikon in #43288
- [5.1] Add backward compatibility for older Plugin/Module bootstrap modals by @Fedik in #43291
- [5.1] Fix calendar value by @Fedik in #43234
- [5.1] Fix for legacy editor-xtd plugins with array of buttons by @Fedik in #43129
- [5.1] CodeMirror 6 Javascript highlighting not working by @OctavianC in #43114
- [5.1] fix wrong parameter value of new trailingslash parameter in SEF plugin by @SniperSister in #43292
- [5.1] Fix missing entries in help index by @LadySolveig in #43251
- [5.1] Fix build tool helpTOC.php by @LadySolveig in #43250
- [5.1] Adminmenu: Toggle for duplicate menus by @richard67 in #43308
- [5.1] Changelog deprecation by @alikon in #43219
- [5.1] Fix PHP warnings on newly created custom fields by @Quy in #42956
- [5.1] Template-param-brand by @chmst in #41458
- [5.1] Update Doc Link by @brianteeman in #43370
- [5.1] Proper support for avif/webp images by @dgrammatiko in #43295
- [5.1] Media manager thumbnails better try/catch by @dgrammatiko in #43468
- [5.1] Joomla Update : extensions check never ends (from #43226) by @conseilgouz in #43410
- [5.1] Change redirect url (from headers['Location']) from array to string in CurlTransport by @sergeytolkachyov in #42769d) by @robertsilen in #43368
- [5.1] com_redirect - inline help for Activate Advanced Mode button by @pe7er in #43435
- [5.1] DateTime: Don't convert when there is no user by @Hackwar in #43521
What's Changed in 4.4.5 version
- [4.4] [bug] Media manager misbehaves on files with capitalized extensions by @dgrammatiko in #43336
- [4.4] Untranslated string for warning message in update:extensions:check CLI by @chrisdavenport in #43208
- [4.4] plugins\filesystem\local\src\Adapter\LocalAdapter.php by @brianteeman in #43274
- [4.4] Determine the next task run date with the timezone of the site by @laoneo in #43259
- [4.4] Adminmenu: Toggle for duplicate menus by @Hackwar in #43192
- [4.4] Adminmenu: Fix export for child items by @Hackwar in #43178
- [4.4] Backendmenu: Fixing import of presets for menu items (ajaxbadge, ...) by @Hackwar in #43189
- [4.4] Vote : aggregateRating error in Google Rich Results by @conseilgouz in #42934
- Fix System test com_privacy consent (#42523) by @muhme in #43400
- [4.4] Pin version MySql Version in Tests to 8.0 by @rdeutz in #43420
- [4.4] Contact VCF: Properly assign value to array by @Hackwar in #43353
- [4.4] Fix ordering for files in the template view by @HLeithner in #43335
- InputFilter fails on cleaning string with HEX entities as string by @AlterBrains in #43377
- [4][com_actionlog] export csv untranslated key by @alikon in #43464
- [4.x] MFA Backup Codes [a11y] [UI] by @brianteeman in #43450
- update content for by @rdeutz in #43478
- [4.4] Fix permission issues on certain ISP by @bembelimen in #43473
- Remove myself from the CODEOWNERS file by @zero-24 in #43482
- [4.x] Backport fix for Error in PrivacyConsent::getPrivacyItemId() by @SniperSister in #43445
- MediaHelper: proper check if file is an image (#42105) by @coderiekelt in #43345
- [4.4] Fixing API authentication issue with Apache with PHP as cgi/fastCGI by @Hackwar in #42593
- [4.x] Translation Update by @joomla-translation-bot in #43488
- [4.4] Fix finder helper addContentType duplicate entry for key 'title' by @Fedik in #43053
既存Joomla 4.x&5.xユーザーの方